A HEREFORD home providing personal and nursing care for people with learning disabilities has been rated 'good' across the board in its first ever Care Quality Commission inspection.

Inspectors arrived at Ledbury Road's National Star for the unannounced inspection on November 10.

The visit was their first since the home was registered with the regulator in December 2019.

And inspectors were impressed with the service, writing that staff had good knowledge of safeguarding processes and how to help people stay safe, while there were enough staff to support people safely.


Care plans containing clear information about residents' likes and dislikes and risk assessments were up to date, medicines given safely, PPE used effectively, and a robust recruitment process in place.

The report said residents were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and kind and compassionate staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests.

Privacy and dignity was maintained, and residents supported to lead confident, inclusive and empowered lives.

Rooms were also found to be personalised and decorated to the residents' tastes and there was access to communal and outdoor spaces.


Hobbies including horse riding and swimming were supported and encouraged by staff, inspectors said.

Relatives were positive about the attitude of staff and the relationships they had built with people, the report said.

One relative told inspectors: "The staff are on the ball with [person's name] needs I'd be lost without them."