BRITAIN'S biggest Royal fan whose home is stacked floor-to-ceiling in Royal memorabilia will be celebrating the Queen's jubilee by watching the telly and drinking tea.

Margaret Tyler, 78, and who grew up in Herefordshire, has dedicated her entire home to celebrating the Royals and her home is mistaken for a museum by passers-by.

The grandmother, who now lives Wembley, London, said she will celebrate this weekend in her dedicated 'jubilee room' - an entire room dedicated to each of the Queen’s jubilees.

Hereford Times: Margaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNSMargaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNS (Image: SWNS)

She left Herefordshire as a 19-year-old, heading to London in the hope of seeing the Royals instead of being surrounded by the rural farmland of her home county.

The room - much like her whole house - is decked floor to ceiling in memorabilia, photographs and books about the Royals.

Margaret plans to whip out her best Royal memorabilia tea set.

Hereford Times: Margaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNSMargaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNS

She said: "There will be lots to see on television, and we'll definitely be drinking tea and eating cake.

"It's always tea and cake for us - we're big tea drinkers and get through loads of it!

"It's a really special time and I'm really looking forward to celebrating the Queen and how brilliant she is.

"We're so lucky to have her, the other countries must be so jealous of us!

Hereford Times: Margaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNSMargaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNS

"If I met her now, I'd tell her 'Ma'am, I think you're brilliant and wonderful, and we are so proud of you'.

"I just hope she has a wonderful time, and enjoys everything she does."

Margaret, who has four adult children and four grandchildren, grew up a single child alongside two royalist parents.


She began to adopt her love for the British monarchy from a young age - and was just eight when Queen Elizabeth II was first coronated.

Hereford Times: Margaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNSMargaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNS

As Margaret grew up, she only became more dedicated to the Royals and has met The Queen on four occasions - who she described as each time being "so kind and sweet."

For more than four decades, Margaret has been decorating her home with every picture, trinket and piece of memorabilia imaginable.

She owns hundreds of books and pictures, as well as some more obscure items - such as cardboard cutouts of Her Majesty and the Royal corgis.

Even the front of her house features decorations - to the point it has been mistaken for a museum.

Hereford Times: Margaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNSMargaret Tyler, originally from Herefordshire, has transformed her home into a museum of Royal memorabilia. Picture: Tony Kershaw/SWNS

Margaret said: "Whenever anything has happened, the Queen has always been there for us and gets us through it.

"She is 96 and it is just amazing what she does for us."

Margaret's huge collection of memorabilia grows every year, and her house is bulging - but she says she'll "never sell any of it."

Due to Margaret's partner preparing for surgery, they won't be going out partying like they might once have done - but they'll still be celebrating.

She said: "There is so much to look at in this house as well as on TV, there's plenty to do.

"And definitely tea and cake!

"It will be a huge day for the Queen and I hope she realises how well respected she is, and that it all goes well for her."

"We will be watching it all on the TV!"