Residents, property owners and businesses are being asked to have their say on a review of a conservation area in a Herefordshire town, including a revision to its boundaries.

A recent review of the Leominster town centre conservation area has been funded by the Leominster High Street Heritage Action Zone programme.

The town centre was designated as a conservation area in May 1969, in recognition of the special architectural quality and remarkable range of building types.

A conservation area is designated because of the special quality of an area’s architectural and historic interest, with the aim of preserving or enhancing the unique character or appearance.


Conservation area status strengthens control over demolition, minor development, advertisements and the protection of trees within the designated area.

A small group of buildings of special architectural or historic interest that would contribute to the character of the conservation area has been identified.

This would form an extension to the northern end of the conservation area to include the northern portion of Bridge Street, extending northwards of the junction with Vicarage Street up to the Kenwater Bridge, and the southernmost end of Bridge Street as far as Paradise Court.


The appraisal looked to identify elements of special interest in terms of archaeology, built heritage and natural environment.

Although the majority of the conservation area will remain unchanged, during the appraisal the boundary of the existing conservation area was reviewed and consideration given to extend it to the north to include additional buildings that would contribute to the character of the conservation area.

The overall purpose of this conservation area appraisal will be to clearly define the special interest of the Leominster Town Centre Conservation Area, and to identify those elements which contribute to its special interest in terms of archaeology, built heritage and natural environment.

To view the draft conservation area appraisal and the extension to the conservation area visit