A HEREFORDSHIRE man has been sent to the crown court after failing to properly dispose of hazardous substances.

Jesse Isaac Biddle entered guilty pleas to six charges to magistrates in Hereford.

The court heard the 25-year-old had treated commercial waste collected from other households and commercial waste including engine oil and other hazardous substances in a manner likely to cause pollution to the environment or harm to human health in Bromyard between May 17, 2020, and May 17, 2022.


He had failed to handle, control, or transfer waste using reasonable measures in Herefordshire between March 3 and 10, and between May 17, 2020 and May 17, 2022 in Herefordshire and Bromyard.

He also transported commercial waste including wood, plastic, tyres, white goods, vehicle parts, and scrap metals with a view to profit in Herefordshire between May 17, 2020 and May 17, 2022 while not a registered carrier of controlled waste.

Biddle, of Openfields, Bringsty, was sent to Worcester Crown Court for sentencing, where he will appear on September 23.

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