A HEREFORDSHIRE nursery has been recognised as "outstanding" by Ofsted, praised for a varied curriculum and positive relationships between staff and pupils.

The Townsend Nursery in Ledbury has maintained the highest rating available by Ofsted since its last inspection in 2016. 

The manager of the nursery, Sue Davies, was delighted with the glowing report from Ofsted inspectors.

She said: "I felt delighted and most of all relieved the inspection was over after waiting six years and felt it was a true reflection of the hard work and dedication myself and the staff put in to make such a stimulating and exciting environment for our children.

"We of course have the advantage of a gorgeous farm setting, where the children can experience forest school and walks across the apple orchards, but we pride ourselves on adding extra experiences like French lessons, dance and yoga and planning experiences that the little ones will never forget like the cheese making or visits from farm animals."

Inspectors found that children at the nursery were happy and eager to be at The Townsend Nursery.

They said: "Children benefit from a thoughtful and highly ambitious curriculum.

"Staff carefully consider children's individual needs, learning styles, and interests when planning activities.

"Children are highly engaged and motivated to learn.

"They enthusiastically explore the wide array of high-quality resources, both indoors and outdoors."

Ofsted found that Mrs Davies works alongside her staff, using her knowledge and skills to provide children with the highest levels of care.

They found that staff know the children well and provide a varied curriculum.

Inspectors added: "The manager effectively supports her staff team to ensure children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive prompt, targeted early help and support.

"Children with SEND have strong relationships with their key person.

"The staff and manager work exceptionally well with parents and other professionals to create individual learning plans to close any minor gaps in their learning.

"Children who speak English as an additional language are extremely confident and self-assured.

"They interact positively with visitors and proudly show them their achievements, such as writing their name.

"Staff gather a wide range of information from parents on induction. They seek key words in their home language from parents which staff use in the beginning to support children's understanding of English words and phrases."