HEREFORDSHIRE for Europe held a well-attended street stall in Leominster on Saturday and asked people about their current views on Brexit.

Eighty-six people answered a question asking whether environmental standards had improved since Brexit: 63 per cent said no, 20 per cent didn’t know and only three per cent said yes.

So “taking back control” does not appear to have helped on an issue that features on your letters page nearly every week.

In fact, taking back control seems to mean that the Government is free to ignore laws on river pollution and sewage discharges into the sea, even though these European standards were confirmed by Parliament after Brexit.


When we were in the EU, every resident had the right to complain to the European Commission when European law was not being enforced by our Government.

The commission could and did take major cases to the European Court of Justice which could impose fines on member state governments that continued to ignore the law.


It did not cost anything to file a complaint with the commission and thousands of UK citizens and non-governmental organisation did so.

Now our only recourse is judicial review where costs are prohibitive.

So, control is now with government, not the people or even our law-makers.





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