A HEREFORDSHIRE care home is out of special measures after a visit from the Care Quality Commission.

Inspectors visited Rosedale Retirement Home in July after previously rating the home in Ross-on-Wye as inadequate in March and in January.

They rated the home as 'good' in four of the five key categories; safe, effective, caring, and responsive, while saying it required improvement in the well-led category, giving it an overall rating of 'good'.

The report, published in October, said the home had been through a period of significant management changes over the past two years, which had a negative impact to the service provision.

However, inspectors said, the recent management had put systems in place to respond to the significant concerns raised at the last inspection, and improvements had since been made and the standard of care improved.

More time was needed for these to become established, and more improvement was needed to promote people's privacy and dignity.

Residents said they felt safe and supported by "kind" staff, while relatives felt their family members were safe and cared for correctly.

Staff understood how to report abuse and manage medicines safely, while the home was well-staffed and the provider understood their safeguarding responsibilities, and risks to health and wellbeing had been identified and were safely managed.

And appropriate training was in place and care was delivered in a timely way, with people encouraged to take part in individualised activities.


Issues found at the previous inspection included the provider failing to robustly assess the risks to the health, safety, and welfare of people, failing to ensure the service was clean and hygienic practices were used, insufficient staffing, and failing to ensure that medicines were safely stored, recorded, and administered, in breach of regulations.

They had also failed to ensure systems to protect people from abuse were effective, ensure personal preferences were met, ensure staff had proper training, ensure the premises was suitable, and failed to ensure people were not deprived of their liberty without lawful authority, putting them in breach of further regulations, the report said. They were no longer in breach of any regulations, the inspectors found in July.

Further improvements were needed to management, the inspectors found in July, although enough improvement had been made that the home was no longer in breach of regulations.