POLICE have issued an update to people living in Hereford after they were warned not to open their doors.

West Mercia Police said it was investigating a man calling at different houses.

Officers were "keen" to speak to anyone who had had any contact with a man who said he was from BT.

Officers said it had received calls from members of the public in the Newton Farm and Belmont areas about a man calling at addresses.


They said he is claiming to be from BT and needed to check internet speeds, but police were initially sceptical about how genuine this was. They told people not to answer the door if someone turned up unannounced.

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But in an update on Thursday, police said the man was genuine.

"Thanks to the public for their vigilance yesterday when they advised us about their concerns regarding a man knocking on doors in the Newton Farm/Belmont areas claiming to be from BT," officers said.


They added: "Following investigations, we can confirm that this man was working legitimately on behalf of BT through a third party and there is no cause for concern.

"However, the public’s assistance is vital and it’s always important to raise concerns when you have worries about any unusual or suspicious behaviour in the community. Thank you."