AN ABUSIVE man has been jailed after smashing a window at Hereford Cathedral.

Mark Smith entered guilty pleas to one charge of criminal damage, one of using threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour to cause harassment, alarm, or distress, and one of being drunk and disorderly when he appeared before a district judge in Kidderminster in November.

The court heard from prosecutor Sumreen Asfar that the 34-year-old had intentionally or recklessly damaged a glass window containing 13 diamond-shaped panes of glass worth £300 at Hereford Cathedral on August 20 and used threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause a man harassment, alarm, or distress in Hereford on August 26.


He had also been drunk and disorderly in Hereford on October 24.

Smith, who is of no fixed address, was jailed for a total of 12 weeks, with the district judge saying only a custodial sentence could be justified as the offences were serious, and as Smith has a flagrant disregard for people and their property.

No order for costs was made as custody was imposed.

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