Herefordshire households are likely to see a full 5 per cent rise in council tax from April.

Herefordshire Council’s cabinet this afternoon (January 26) agreed a proposed budget for the 2023/24 financial year, which it consulted on with the public last month.

It proposes raising total council tax rates by 4.99 per cent, the new maximum permitted by the Government, and split between a 2 per cent raise ring-fenced for adult social care, and a 2.99 per cent increase for all other council services.

This would increase the tax on a typical band D home to £1,786.61, a rise of £7.08 a month.


The council says the proposed increase is needed to support the continued delivery of vital services.

"Our priority is to get the best possible value for every pound we spend on the people of Herefordshire," it said.

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The council will continue to operate a means-tested council tax reduction scheme, and young adults who have left care, and all the council’s foster carer families, will continue to pay no council tax at all.

The budget will now have to be passed by a full meeting of county councillors on February 10.

But the final setting of council tax, including additional "precepts" for local parishes, police and fire services, will not be confirmed until the following full council meeting, on March 3.

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