A lot is said about traffic congestion in Hereford and anyone with any intention of joining the rest of the world in decarbonising is often shot down in flames – as seems to be the angry way of the world.

The transport review in 2021 calculated that 40,000 car journeys shorter than two miles were made every single day in the city. Surely any responsible authority committed to decarbonising would look at ways to solve that issue through providing walking and cycling routes for those two-mile journeys?

This council, under a new administration in 2019, committed itself to a more sustainable journey through the 21st century and has secured funding to deliver large elements of an active travel infrastructure network within the next few years – reducing speed on roads around communities and enabling children to get to school in a much healthier way.


Haven’t we seen from the River Wye fiasco that if we don’t protect our ecology we destroy our economy?

Last week I heard during Herefordshire Wildlife Trust’s 60th birthday celebrations of the commitment to help nature recover in the county.

A greener, healthier future for our children – a place where young minds and nature can flourish – an opportunity for a more circular, regenerative, economy based around our fabulous creatives and natural assets, with a Big Economic Plan to guide it – call me an eternal optimist, but I think in difficult and challenging times, whilst there is much to work to do, we have much to celebrate.

Opportunity knocks but once.

Toni Fagan

Councillor, Birch Ward

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