A WOMAN from Ledbury has been fined £80 after driving a car in the town when she only had a provisional licence. 

Kerry Fiander, from Biddulph Way, pleaded guilty to driving a black Volkswagen Golf in the town's High Streert on January 14 when she did not have a licence or third party insurance to drive it. 

Prosecutor Eleanor Peart told Hereford Magistrates Court that the 35-year-old only had a provisional licence and the car had no L-plates, or an instructor inside.


Representing herself, Fiander said that she only drove it a matter of yards to move it after it was half on the road and half on the pavement. 

However, she admitted it was a reckless decision after having never passed a test and said she was sorry for her actions. 

As well as fining her, magistrates also endorsed six penalty points and told her to pay prosecution costs of £135 and a victim surcharge of £32.