A HEREFORD woman kicked a police officer in the testicles and thigh after becoming 'wound-up', a court has heard.

Zoey Davies, of Atlay Street, pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker and one count of common assault of an emergency worker when she appeared at Hereford Magistrates Court last week.

Eleanor Peart, prosecuting at the court, said that Davies became resistant after being arrested by three officers at 10pm on May 7. 

She first kicked PC Jenkins in the knee, causing no injury, before she lashed out at PC Dakin.


"PC Dakin said she was wound up and angry," said Ms Peart.

"She kicked him hard in the testicles and thing, causing momentary pain.

"Mo medical treatment was sought. PC Dakin said he had never been kicked as a police officer before that night."

The court heard that, while in custody, Davies was shouting and swearing and attempted to kick PC Wildman in the groin, but made no contact.


In defence, Chris Reid said that his client had no previous convictions apart from a drink driving offence. 

"She is a lady with mental health issues," he said.

"Shortly prior to this incident, her medication was altered. Unfortunately, she mixed her medication with alcohol which goes a long way to explaining her behaviour.

"She has written letters of apology to each officer."

After hearing that Davies has mental health issues that are related to extreme anxiety and has had post-traumatic experiences that have not been helped by alcohol, use, magistrates agreed for a probation report to be filed before they sentence her.

Davies was granted unconditional bail to appear before Hereford Magistrates Court on July 4.