A THREATENING man has been jailed after making a nasty phone call to a woman in Bromyard.

Hubert Locke appeared before magistrates in Hereford for sentencing in June after entering guilty pleas to one count of sending a letter, communication, or article conveying a threatening message and one count of causing criminal damage to property valued under £5,000 at an earlier hearing.

He also entered guilty pleas to four counts of theft from a shop The court heard from prosecutor Paul John that the 45-year-old had, intentionally or recklessly and without lawful excuse, caused criminal damage to the glass panel of a front door belonging to a woman in Worcestershire on May 9.

He had also made a phone call which conveyed a threat for the purpose of causing distress or anxiety to another woman in Bromyard on May 10, magistrates were told.


He had also stolen meat worth £95.10 on February 19, meat worth £180 on February 20, meat worth £180 on February 22, and meat worth £240 on February 28, all from BP M&S in Droitwich.

Magistrates said the offences were so serious that only a custodial sentence could be justified due to Lock's previous record, the use of threats, and the substantial distress caused.

Locke, who is of no fixed address, was jailed for 14 weeks.

He was also handed an 18-month restraining order banning him from contacting either of the two women or attending an address in Droitwich and an address in Bromyard, and must pay a £154 victim surcharge.