A FORMER pupil at Tarrington School had such fond memories of her school that she decided to organise a reunion this summer.

The very successful event, which took place at Lady Emily Hall earlier this month, saw lots of former pupils attending with their partners to enjoy a buffet, raffle and film screening, which showed group photographs of pupils and the school through its progression into the Lady Emily community centre.

There were also old records of the school register showing start and leaving dates of all the ex pupils for guests to browse through.


"It was great to catch up with everyone from Tarrington and other areas, bringing back wonderful memories of those carefree school days," said Yvonne Keene, whose idea it was to get former classmates back together 36 years after the school shut its doors.

"The late headmaster’s son, Richard Lewis, made a speech on how proud his father would have been to see everyone together."

Tarrington School reunion

Tarrington School reunion

Yvonne Keene (nee Fellowes), her best friend Madeline Manning (nee Smith) and Eddie Cale thanked everyone that came and supported the reunion, and Yvonne also extended a big thank you to Robert and Veronica Hodges for their help on the day.

"I couldn't believe that there had never been a reunion so I decided to organise one," says Yvonne, who enjoyed the opportunity to reminisce about the school and its outside toilets, teachers throwing blackboard erasers at naughty children, lumpy semolina and little milk bottles which were frozen in winter and scavenged by birds in the summer.

Lady Emily Foley built the school for the children of the Stoke Edith Estate, and remained Chairman of the Governors until her death in 1900, but it was not until the late 1990s, after considerable legal wrangling, that the school was converted into the Lady Emily Community Hall.