COUNCILLOR David Hitchiner baulks at the new council’s decision to review the proposed revamp of the Maylords centre, saying that this decision was “rushed through” (Letters, July 6).

He fails to mention that the decision to cancel the western bypass, widely regarded as a bad mistake, was also “rushed through” by the largely independent council which he then led, or that his council “rushed through” its “big economic plan” – a disaster in my opinion – earlier this year.


However late in the process it may be, I sincerely hope that the current council will thoroughly review all the major proposals of the previous administration, accepting or rejecting them solely according to their longterm value and benefit to the whole county.

I hope they will then publish their decisions on the Herefordshire Council website and put them out for consultation, to avoid “throwing good money after bad” and so that we voters at least know what they intend.

Finally, I hope that all members of the council, regardless of their political party allegiances, will support and help to implement the agreed policies, instead of continuing this negative, destructive and expensive “slanging match”.

I’ve used the word “hope” a lot.

Regrettably, like many of your other correspondents, at present I feel only despair.



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