A FLYTIPPER has been found guilty of several charges after failing to turn up for his trial.

Ashley Jones was found guilty in his absence of three counts of depositing controlled waste without an environmental permit, two counts of handling, controlling, or transferring controlled waste without taking reasonable measures, and one count of transporting controlled waste in the course of business as an unregistered carrier by magistrates in Hereford in August.

He had previously entered not guilty pleas to all charges, the court was told. 


The court heard that the 24-year-old had dumped black bin bags and cardboard boxes containing household waste, plastic paddling pools, and other items in Bobblestock on June 27 2022, gardening and landscaping waste in Merryhill Lane, Hereford, between June 30 and July 25 2022, and waste including broken slabs, artificial grass, builders bags of assorted items, and wood in a field in Grafton Lane, Hereford, between June 30 and July 7 2022.

He had failed to comply with Environmental Protection Act regulations on the transfer of waste, and was acting as a carrier of waste without an appropriate licence between November 1, 2020, and November 1, 2022.

Jones, of Ryeland Street, Hereford, was not present for his August 3 trial, and a warrant was issued for his arrest.