A plan to build eight new homes at a farm on the edge of Hereford has been dropped following a range of local objections.

Two historic stone barns at Home Farm, Belmont, by the A465 were to be converted into four homes, while more modern sheds to the rear were to be cleared and the land used for four new single-storey houses as well as gardens and parking.

But Belmont Rural parish council said the site “has not been accepted nor identified as a need within the NDP [neighbourhood development plan]”.


It considered the plan was “an over-development on such a small site” which would “have a detrimental effect on the listed buildings”, and also raised concerns about the extra traffic onto the A465.

Among the ten public letters of objection, Mark Beavan pointed out that the NDP made protecting Home Farm an explicit objective, yet the plan would “bring this traditional farm building within the urban envelope”.

Being on higher ground than neighbouring properties, the new homes would “greatly invade their privacy”, nearby resident Katarzyna Dumara said.


Another neighbour, Lee Hudson, said the proposed road access onto the A465 would create “an unnecessary and dangerous junction” with a road where “the average speed is considerably higher” than the 40mph limit.

The county’s historic buildings officer did not object in principle but had asked for amendments to the conversion plans and for more information, as did the highways officer.

Herefordshire Council confirmed that the application had been withdrawn on September 1.