I recently had the misfortune to take a journey in an ambulance accompanying my sister to St Michael’s Hospice.

It was to be her last journey on the planet and a worse one she could not have endured.

We had to travel from just outside Ross-on-Wye to the hospice via Fownhope due to backed-up traffic in Hereford. The state of the roads in Herefordshire are very, very bad and they contributed greatly to the distress my sister was in.

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As a passenger in the back, I can only describe the journey as backbreaking as well as heartbreaking.

Do our lofty councillors never drive these roads? I suggest that one or all of them should take a ride in an ambulance with a patient to see what cruel experiences they are inflicting on their residents as well as the hard-working and long-suffering staff who have to operate in these conditions day in and day out.

Yours angrily,

