PLEAS have been made for more double yellow lines to be installed in a Herefordshire town.

A recent full council meeting of Bromyard and Winslow Town Council heard that the parking bans had been requested in Bramley Orchards and Kirkham Gardens in the town.

Bramley Orchards is a residential cul-de-sac off the town's Winslow Road, while Kirkham Gardens is a residential cul-de-sac off Church Lane, near the town centre.


A meeting of the town council's traffic management had previously heard at a meeting in July that a request had been made by a resident in Bramley Orchards for double yellow lines to be installed due to a perceived parking hazard caused by residents of neighbouring streets.

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The committee recommended that the request be rejected, with full council resolving to approve the recommendation, recent meeting minutes reveal.

It recommended that the town council does not fund the installation of double yellow lines in Kirkham Gardens directly, but that it notes the information and current position on the prioritised transport regulation orders list.

Full council resolved to approve the Kirkham Gardens recommendation.