A VOLVO driver has been banned from the roads after she was caught out on the A49 while over the drug-driving limit.

Colleen Young entered a guilty plea to two counts of driving while over the drug limit when she appeared before magistrates in Hereford in September.

The court heard from prosecutor Owen Beale that the 51-year-old had been caught out on the A49 Victoria Street in Hereford after getting behind the wheel of a Volvo while over the drug-driving limit.


An evidential blood test revealed that she had 207 microgrammes of class A controlled drug cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine and 116 microgrammes of class B controlled drug ketamine per litre of blood. The respective legal limits are 50 and 20.

Young, of Aubrey Street, Hereford, was handed a community order, fined £50, and disqualified from driving for 18 months for the offence, with magistrates saying they had taken her guilty plea into account when imposing the penalty.

She was also ordered to pay a £114 victim surcharge, but no prosecution costs were ordered to be paid due to her lack of means.