A DRUG driver was three-and-a-half times over the limit when caught on a main Hereford road.

Aaron Bethell, aged 33, of Grafton Walk, Hereford, had seven micrograms of Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main cannabinoid of cannabis, in his system when his Ford Transit was stopped in Holmer Road at 11am on March 21. 

"He was arrested and taken to the police station," said Melanie Winterflood, prosecuting at Hereford Magistrates Court. 


"A test is carried out and the results are over the legal limit. There's nothing aggravating about that.

"He was cooperative and compliant and has no previous convictions."

In defence, Chris Reid said his client, who pleaded guilty to the charge of drug driving, was a cannabis user and took some the night before he was arrested.

"He didn't appreciate that it would remain in his system as for that length of time.

"There was no issue with his driving."

Bethell was disqualified from driving for 12 months and fined £120. He was also told to pay court costs of £135 and a government victim surcharge of £48 respectively."