ON December 2, 2022, the landlord of the Sun Inn at Winforton put in a planning application to build houses to the rear of his property and we objected, mainly because we already have more new houses than the requirement with the Neighbourhood Plan.

Surely a pub with a garden for its owner’s privacy is an asset and the entrance onto the busy A438 is an added hazard.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Imagine our shock upon learning from a neighbour that the application had been altered and resubmitted without our knowledge and we live adjacent to the pub.

There were no notices displayed or contact with the planning department or parish council to enable villagers to express their views. Approval granted on September 20, 2023, seems underhanded.

One rumour claims it is a manager’s residence. Why, when there is accommodation in the applicant’s premises? Big brother again?



Editor's note: This letter previously said that the Sun Inn was for sale. We would like to confirm that this is not the case.

Amended planning applications do not require further notices to be published