HOW sad, indeed how irritating, to read such a criticism of Elgar’s importance to Hereford (Letters, October 26).

Yes, he lived in Hampton Park Road only one-tenth of his life, but these were important years, from 1904. He composed much of his most important music while based here, including two symphonies, the Violin Concerto, The Kingdom, Introduction and Allegro for Strings and a fine concerto overture, Alassio, while two of the Pomp and Circumstance marches had connections here.


He loved Herefordshire. It was while living at at Birchwood Lodge in Storridge that he learnt bicycle-riding, which became an essential part of his life. He also composed much of The Dream of Gerontius here, as evidenced by a photo of him signing the final draft.

In 1911 he was appointed conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra, making necessary his sad leaving of Hereford for the capital .

I just hope that the many people who supported and helped fund Jemma Pearson’s fine statue have not been badly upset and offended. It is one of the most photographed features in Hereford with the cathedral.

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Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

The main driving force to get the statue created was the late Tom Pellow, and a large part of the funding was £20,000 from the Fund for Sport and The Arts. The committee obviously thought it worthwhile for Hereford to mark the importance of Elgar to Hereford. Also involved were Julian LloydWebber, Sir Richard Mynors, Sir Roy Strong, and Dame Janet Baker. To imagine it being removed is unthinkable and evil!

Certainly, David Parry is free to instigate a statue to Alfred Watkins who was in fact quite a friend of Elgar, living close by in the same road. Perhaps a site close to Harley House, where he lived in the final 10 years of his life. But would he engender so much interest as Elgar has?


Chairman, Elgar in Hereford Group, 2006-2012