A MOTHER who used to be homeless has pleaded guilty to stealing food, including baby food, from Iceland and Co-Op shops in Hereford over a period of 13 days.

Danielle McGee, 32, was forced to resort to stealing to survive and committed five counts of theft between April 29 and May 11 last year, Hereford Magistrates Court heard.

The court heard that she was homeless and desperate at the time, and had been using heroin for two years, but has since kicked her addiction and been clean for a while.

She stole from Hereford's Iceland Food Warehouse and a Co-Op shop in Holmer Road, which is now owned by Asda.

Mark Hambling, prosecuting, said: "The five thefts are very simple - food, baby food and other products. She admits to theft but says she had to steal to survive."

McGee, who now lives in Newtown, had moved away from Hereford earlier this year. The court heard she was struggling to secure employment because of her criminal record, but had been taking on voluntary work.


She also pleaded guilty to failing to comply with the requirements of a community order which had been made by Merthyr Tydfil Magistrates Court on January 23 this year. She had not attended probation appointments or engaged with a drug and alcohol agency as agreed with the court.

On November 8 in Hereford, she was sentenced to a further community order of 12 months, which will be concurrent with the existing order. She must also attend 20 rehabilitation activity days, and complete 40 hours of unpaid work. 

Magistrates said that they understood the reasons she gave for committing the thefts, and did not impose court costs because of McGee's financial situation. They did, however, order her to pay compensation of £315 to Co-Op and a victim surcharge of £95, as well as a fine of £50 for breaching the community order.