IN Wales, 20mph is in built-up areas only, that means we now take maybe an extra few minutes to save lives (Step closer for 20mph zones, November 30).

I also spot the advisory signs, “Cut speed to reduce pollution” (or similar wording) on the Cardiff motorway.”

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All roads lead to Rome, as the saying goes. I read about Rome’s pollution and as you can imagine it needs a solution, just like Hereford. New research shows if Rome decides to cut pollution by 10 per cent there is the potential of between 10 per cent to 30 per cent less common mental health conditions (for those living in a cocktail of tiny nasty particulates from traffic).

“In Rome you do as the Romans do”. Instead, look to Wales.

Otherwise, it is madness to still expect a four-minute dash across town. However, 20mph in tandem reduces the blight on residents living in polluted areas.

