A HEREFORD woman has shared pictures of her home after it was devastated by a ferocious house fire, started by her ex-boyfriend. 

The woman's house in Fallowfield Close, Hereford, was set on fire by Timothy Dimbylow, a 30-year-old from Craswell, Herefordshire, who was convicted of arson at Worcester Crown Court this month.

Hereford Times: The fire destroyed the bedroomThe fire destroyed the bedroom (Image: Submitted)

He started the fire in the bedroom of the house on August 19 last year. Part of the house's first floor was completely destroyed by the fire, with the victim estimating that £50,000 of damage had been caused to her belongings, and her landlord having to claim around £44,000 for the damage on insurance.

Hereford Times: The house was smoke-logged after the incidentThe house was smoke-logged after the incident (Image: Submitted)

It was described when he appeared before Worcester Crown Court for sentencing in February as "extensive destruction".

Hereford Times: The bathroom was also damagedThe bathroom was also damaged (Image: Submitted)

On the night of the fire, the couple had been at a fancy dress party in Hereford, and had an argument.

Feeling "jealous and insecure", Dimbylow drove to his girlfriend's house and started the fire, leaving the property 13 minutes later.

When the victim got home later that night, she found a white synthetic wig in her house, which had been part of Dimbylow's costume.

The house was filled with smoke, with the smoke alarm having been removed with the batteries taken out.

The contents of the victim's fridge were also found all over the floor, with the fridge door ripped off.

Hereford Times: Contents of the fridge had been emptied onto the floorContents of the fridge had been emptied onto the floor (Image: Submitted)

The couple have since split up.

On August 19, Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue (HWFRS) crews were called to reports of the house fire at around 10.50pm. Two crews went to the scene and extinguished the flames. They left the scene at 2.48am.

Hereford Times: The fridge door had been ripped offThe fridge door had been ripped off (Image: Submitted)


A spokesperson for HWFRS said at the time of the incident: "They extinguished the flames with two firefighters wearing breathing apparatus and using one hose reel jet.

"All people were accounted for. The property was fully ventilated with no further fire spread and the HWFRS left the scene at 2.48am.

"The police and a fire investigation team were requested to investigate the cause of the fire."