A high-profile Herefordshire meat supplier has been told it can expand its packing and distribution plant – despite objections from neighbours.

Neil Powell of Country Tastes, Longmeadow Industrial Estate, Ewyas Harold applied in March last year for planning permission for the 164-square-metre light industrial unit.

This would take up space currently occupied by eight parking spaces. But new parking will be added elsewhere at the site, increasing overall parking from 24 to 34 spaces, the firm’s application said.


The council’s senior landscape officer Nigel Koch objected to the lack of any landscaping to soften the proposal, despite its prominent location at the junction of the A465 and Pontrilas Road.

Ewyas Harold group parish council backed the plan but asked that the noise of fans at the plant be masked from local residents given “the already high levels of sound”, and for “sensitive” lighting.

Kate Wilson, owner of a play café also on the estate, said neighbouring businesses had not been consulted, and objected to the apparent planned removal of a flood-preventing “bund” or bank alongside the unit.


And parking spaces marked as new on the plans were in fact already in use, she claimed.

Echoing this point, another business owner at the estate, Marty Bateman, said also that the new unit would mean the loss of windows providing natural light into his adjoining workshop, and would restrict access to it.

Planning officer Laura Smith said it had been confirmed by the firm’s agent that the flood defence bank would stay, along with nearby trees and shrubs – this being made a condition of the approval, along with requirements not to install external lighting.

She did not consider there would be “undue pressure” on parking from the plan, and while noting the neighbouring business’ objection, said the windows in question “are not the primary source of light to the unit and [this] is considered a civil matter”.

With no issues over highway safety, ecology and drainage, and given the economic benefits from the expanded business, permission was granted with no restrictions on hours of operation or deliveries.