A HOMELESS man has appeared in court for harassing a woman despite an active restraining order made by Hereford magistrates.

Hubert Locke contacted the woman and went to her address in Droitwich, Worcestershire, despite an order banning him from doing so, said prosecutor Valerie Hart.

The breach of the order took place on February 15.

45-year-old Locke was sentenced for the breach of the restraining order at Kidderminster Magistrates' Court on February 16 after entering a guilty plea.

He was fined £120, with magistrates saying they had taken his guilty plea into account.

The restraining order remains in place until December 2024. Magistrates refused an application to extend the order, but said that a future application could be made to extend or discharge the order as appropriate.


The restraining order was originally made at Hereford Magistrates' Court on June 26 last year.

He was given the order after making threats, stealing and causing criminal damage to property in Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Locke, who was represented at the hearing by Askara Rana, was said to be of no fixed abode.