A new dentist’s surgery for Hereford has been given the go-ahead.

Worcester-based AMH Healthcare applied in January to take over and convert part of Saxon Hall Putson Community Centre to the south of the city.

Plans showed two community rooms, a meeting and changing room, kitchen and toilet in the building being turned into three treatment rooms, a reception area, staff room, storage room and “decon” (decontamination) room.


Once up and running, the surgery would open between 8.30am and 6pm weekdays. The rest of the hall would be unaffected.

Hereford city council welcomed the proposal as providing “a much-needed facility south of the river”, and neighbouring Lower Bullingham parish council also gave its support.

With no objections from official consultees or the public, planning officer Joshua Evans concluded the plan would cause no issues visually or with traffic or parking.

A condition with the planning approval is that an “amalgam trap” must be fitted and maintained to prevent the mercury-containing alloy, used in tooth fillings, from entering the sewerage system.