PRIOR to the election of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for West Mercia Police, I received my poll card in the post from Herefordshire Council.

Contained within the very same envelope from Herefordshire Council was a campaign leaflet for John Campion, the incumbent PCC.

*Editor's note: this is disputed by Herefordshire Council. A Herefordshire Council spokesperson said: “No information was sent out with the poll cards. It is against regulations.”

READ MORE: Claims that police chief's Herefordshire flyer 'crossed a line'

There was no mention of who the candidates were, or which party John Campion belonged to (he was a Conservative party candidate).

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Has our democracy become so corrupt that the Electoral Commission now tell you who to vote for along with your poll card? How can we claim to be running fair elections when Herefordshire Council’s electoral services are facilitating the election campaign of only one candidate?

Surely, it has to be all of the candidates’ leaflets included in the envelope or none.

