A 'SUSPICIOUS' Transit van has been seen driving through a Herefordshire village. 

Police say that the occupants appeared to be looking into driveways and properties in Orleton, north of Leominster, yesterday (May 15). 

"Although suspicious, currently (from the reports) no criminal activity has been linked to this vehicle," said PCSO Stephanie Harper, from the Leominster Safer Neighbourhood Team. 


She added that police patrols were in the area yesterday afternoon, but the vehicle had already left the village. However, it had been tagged for the police's automatic number plate recognition cameras.

PCSO Harper also said that there was a report of a cold caller in the area. 

"Please don't buy from people who knock unexpectedly at your door," she said.

"It is likely over priced and poor quality. These cold callers come under the umbrella of ‘Nottingham Knockers’ and claim to be part of a prison rehabilitation system."

Anyone suspicious incidents should be reported to police by calling 101, or if you see people on the land, dial 999.