A MAN wanted by police on suspicion of a "serious assault offence" has been seen in Hereford.

Police have issued an appeal for wanted man Martin Sales after he was seen in Bewell Street, Hereford, at 10.25am today (May 22).

Hereford Times: Martin Sales in Bewell StreetMartin Sales in Bewell Street (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

Police have issued a further appeal for wanted man Martin Sales as they continue to appeal for information about his whereabouts. 

Extensive enquiries are continuing to locate Sales, 41, from Kirklees in West Yorkshire, who police say is wanted on suspicion of a serious assault offence. They added that officers also have concerns for his wellbeing.

These enquiries have traced him to Hereford and Kirklees detectives are appealing to members of the public there to get in touch if they see him.  

Detective Inspector Catherine Shackleton said: “Sales is wanted for a serious offence, and it is important that he is located as soon as possible so we can progress our investigation into this matter.  

“We previously had concerns for his welfare given the length of time he had not been seen, but these have now been satisfied through the latest information we have about him.  

“We do not believe he poses a wider risk to the public but would ask people not to approach him and to contact us immediately if they see him.”  

Hereford Times: A photograph of Sales issued by policeA photograph of Sales issued by police (Image: West Yorkshire Police)

Detective Sergeant Chris Middleton previously said: “Extensive enquiries have been ongoing to locate Martin Sales since mid-April.  

“While he is still wanted on suspicion for offences we do have some information which has raised concerns for his own wellbeing and are renewing our appeal for anyone who can help us find him to contact us.  

“Clearly it is important we find him as quickly as possible both for investigative purposes and to check on his own wellbeing."


Sales is described as six foot tall and of slim build.  

Anyone with information which may assist in locating him is asked to contact West Yorkshire Police by using the live chat facility on the West Yorkshire Police website or by calling 101, quoting crime reference 13240194990.  

Information can also be given anonymously to independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or online.