Plan for a one-of-a-kind self-built home in a Herefordshire village have been put forward.

Steve, Susan and Philip Dixon are seeking planning permission (application 241297) for a single-storey, one-bedroom house in a field beside Cherry Tree Farm, Gorsley, between Ross-on-Wye and Newent.

Taking inspiration from a “tumbledown” stone sheep pen, the house would penned off from the surrounding field, including by a 1.2-metre “ha-ha” to the south.


The “high quality but low tech, contemporary and compact” design, partly recessed into the slope of the field, would be “extremely modest in scale” with just 50 square metres of internal space.

With large windows, the living room would be oriented to the south for solar gain in winter, while a large overhanging roof, planted with wildflowers and grasses, would shade it in summer.


All windows and doors would be triple-glazed, there would be level access throughout, and sewage would be dealt with by a small electric treatment plant on-site.

A covered carport, under the same green roof, would house two cars, and electric charging point, and bikes. A new track would run round the edge of the field to join an unnamed road through the village.

Comments on the application can be made via the Herefordshire Council planning webpage until June 14.