Herefordshire’s six city and town mayors for the civic year ahead are now all in place.

A Hereford city council’s Annual Meeting of Council on May 21, Coun Kevin Tillett was elected unopposed as the city’s mayor for 2024/25.

The previous year’s deputy mayor, Coun Tillett represents Hinton & Hunderton ward on both the city and county councils for the Liberal Democrats.


His deputy will be his LibDem colleague Coun Daniel Powell, also both a city and county councillor and now also the party’s candidate for the Hereford & South Herefordshire parliamentary seat.

Emma Hurds becomes the city’s junior mayor, the 16th since the role was created in 2007.

In Leominster, Coun Gillian Murdoch was also elected unopposed, taking over from Coun Alan Williams. Coun Tessa Smith-Winnard was also unopposed as deputy.

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In Bromyard, Coun Mark Franklin was elected as mayor, with Coun Clare Davies elected deputy.

Following Ledbury’s annual meeting, its new mayor is Coun Stephen Chowns, a Green Party member, with Coun Elizabeth Harvey, leader of the Independents for Herefordshire in the county, named as his deputy.


Ross-on-Wye’s new mayor is Coun Bev Pope, with Coun Linden Delves her deputy. Both are LibDems.

In Kington, Coun Phillip Sell becomes mayor with Coun Martin Woolford his deputy.

Mayors are elected by councillor colleagues for a year starting in May to represent the city and market towns in civic and ceremonial functions within and beyond them, and to chair full council meetings.