Plans have been put forward to replace the four floodlight columns at Hereford FC’s Edgar Street ground with columns of LED lighting.

Musco Lighting, a specialist firm appointed by the club to spec the new lighting, say its design would light the pitch “to levels that are suitable for non-professional games in accordance with BS EN 12193 – Sports Lighting and the Football Foundation criteria”.

The LED lights would also be “dimmable to allow lower lighting levels for training and underage matches, when the highest light level is not required”, it adds.


The club, which currently plays in National League North, had asked for lighting that would minimise the spill and glare onto surrounding areas, particularly neighbouring houses.

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Musco says its design’s internal optics and external visors, column heights and locations will ensure this, and will also “limit sky glow”.

The ground’s owner Herefordshire Council has meanwhile appointed a contractor to demolish the ground’s derelict Blackfriars Road stand, including two of the current floodlight towers, in anticipation of a new stand incorporating student accommodation.

Somerset-based Pennys Group was awarded the job, worth up to £100,000, following a competitive tender, and is expected to carry it out before the start of the new football season in late August.