A BMW driver has been fined by a court after running a red light on a busy Herefordshire main road.

Percy Hodgkins pleaded guilty before magistrates in Worcester.

The court heard from West Mercia Police that the 54-year-old had failed to comply with a red traffic light while behind the wheel of a BMW 318 on the B4220 in Bromyard, Herefordshire, on September 9 last year.

The traffic light was lawfully placed on or near a road other than a motorway.


He was convicted via single justice procedure at Worcester Magistrates’ Court.

Hodgkins, who is of Damson Way, Suckley, Worcestershire, was fined £40 and received three penalty points on his driving licence.

He must also pay costs of £110 and a £16 victim surcharge. His guilty plea was taken into account by magistrates when they were deciding on a penalty to impose.

He must pay the fine and other costs in full by June 12.