A TRUCK driver caught breaking the law behind the wheel of a DAF truck in Herefordshire has been fined.

Martin Jones entered a guilty plea to one count of driving a mechanically propelled vehicle on a road or in a public place without due care and attention when he appeared before magistrates in Worcester last month, on May 15.

The court heard from prosecutor David Whittaker that the 59-year-old had been caught out on September 22 last year, on Herefordshire’s A438 while behind the wheel of a DAF truck and failing to pay due care and attention to the road.


Jones, of Maesyllan, Llangurig, Wales, was handed a £120 fine. He was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £110 and a £48 victim surcharge.

Jones was in addition given six penalty points on his driving licence, with his record being endorsed.

Magistrates said his guilty plea was taken into account when they came to a decision on imposing a penalty for the offence.