A WOMAN from Leominster has pleaded guilty to drug offences.

Kathryn Jennings, 35, of Cheaton Close, Leominster, was convicted of possession with intent to supply class  A drugs.

She appeared at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court on May 24 and entered guilty pleas to one count of possessing MDMA with intent to supply it, one count of possessing cocaine with intent to supply it, and one count of possessing crack cocaine with intent to supply it.

She had 19 MDMA tablets in her possession when she was caught on May 23, as well as a quantity of cocaine and crack cocaine.


The case was passed to Worcester Crown Court for sentencing, with Jennings to appear in court on June 21 to be sentenced.

She was released on bail under conditions to live and sleep each night at her home address, in order to ensure her attendance at the next court date.

A pre-sentence report will be prepared by the probation service ahead of her sentencing.