AN ABUSER who harassed a disabled woman has been handed a restraining order and suspended prison sentence.

Lukas Zilevicius, 22, continuously harassed a woman and was hostile over her disability, in the Herefordshire border town of Presteigne.

He appeared at Welshpool Magistrates’ Court in May.

He was caught on March 10, and was said to have caused the woman harassment, alarm or distress.

Alcohol was said to be a factor in Zilevicius’ behaviour, and the offence was committed while he was already subject to a community order.

As a result of his abusive behaviour, Zilevicius was handed a two-and-a-half year restraining order.


Zilevicius, of Hereford Street, Presteigne, was also sentenced to a 19-week sentence of imprisonment, suspended for 18 months. The sentence was suspended because of the defendant’s guilty plea and prospect of rehabilitation, but magistrates acknowledged the severity of the offence.

Zilevicius was told not to seek, approach or communicate with the woman by any means, directly or indirectly. He was told not to go to her address or contact her via social media.

He must also compete up to 15 days of rehabilitation activities and 80 hours of unpaid work within 12 months.