Plans have been put forward for a ten-home development in a Herefordshire village that is a popular spot for new housing plans.

The proposal to develop a field immediately east of the A4110, the main road through Canon Pyon, has been put forward by GP Thomas & Son, the developer behind the 30-home Watling Close scheme on the opposite side of the road, completed in 2017.

It would be a mix of two-, three- and four-bedroom houses including two larger bungalows with their own gated access. Their shared private drive would require new access onto the main road.


Of “traditional form and appearance”, the ten would “correspond” with the development opposite, “to ensure that it will integrate unobtrusively into this edge-of-village location”, the firm’s application (number 241086) says.

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“There are no adverse impacts which outweigh the significant benefits of the proposed development,” it claims.


The scheme is just a short distance from another proposed ten-home development put forward by a different developer on the opposite side of the A4110, which has provoked widespread local opposition.

A further plan to build two homes on a garden at the corner of Meadow Drive between the two sites was refused earlier this year.

Comments on the latest application can be made until July 4.