A BOUNDARY row has kicked off in one Herefordshire town, with Herefordshire Council called in to investigate after a hedge was replaced.

Herefordshire Council has been called in after a fence was ripped out and replaced with new fencing in a Herefordshire town. 

A recently published report to Bromyard Town Council's properties committee, ahead of the committee's June 10 meeting, said several people living in the Lower Westfields and Oak Close area of the town had contacted the council about an area of green space in the area.


The report said that a hedge had been removed and a new fence put up, which is encroaching into open space land.

"This matter has been reported to Herefordshire Council as the landowners and they are carrying out a site visit to investigate," the report said. 

Further concerns have also been raised about another green space in the town, the report revealed, with locals left unable to walk on a path due to an overgrown hedge.

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The overgrown hedge on the path between Lower Thorn and Winslow Road has left schoolchildren and others walking on the grass, which is muddy when it rains, the report said. 

The problem has also been reported to Herefordshire Council and is awaiting further action.

You can report issues on public rights of way in Herefordshire by contacting Herefordshire Council.

Visit www.herefordshire.gov.uk for more information.