NEW community project the Hub is set to open its doors on Friday, June 14, in Ross-On-Wye.

Self-funded project the Hub, based in a former gym, is coming to the end of its construction and is ready to improve the quality of life for local people.

With the aim of developing skills and providing an area of respite for locals, the Hub is a judgement free zone to meet support workers and agency staff to access help with debts, housing issues, health and addiction issues, and obtaining benefits.

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It will also be a facility for the disadvantaged in Ross-on-Wye to shower, wash their clothes, have a hot meal and a relaxing tea or coffee. There will be access to the internet, workspaces, laundry, and bathroom facilities. Both hot and cold food, various activities and a social space will be provided.

There will be both paid staff and volunteers helping to run the Hub and to communicate with those who have no other form of community or social spaces available to them.


There will be group sessions available including:

  • Groups focused on avoiding social isolation, help with benefits, and fuel and food poverty issues
  • Groups focused on getting back into the workforce, managing tendencies and computer literacy

The Hub’s development has been supported by The Herefordshire Together Fund, distributed by the Herefordshire Community Foundation and by Healthwatch Herefordshire in order to improve the emotional well-being and standard of living for local people in Ross-on-Wye.