A DRIVER has been banned and ordered to pay hundreds after she failed to provide a breath specimen for analysis in a Herefordshire incident.

Catherine Walker pleaded guilty to one count of failing to provide a specimen for analysis as a vehicle driver.

The court heard that the 43-year-old had been asked to provide a breath sample in Leominster, Herefordshire, on March 30.

She had no reasonable excuse for failing to provide a breath sample through a breathalyser.

Walker, of Birks Street, Stoke-on-Trent, was fined £177 and disqualified from driving for 36 months at her sentencing in Hereford on May 29.


She was ordered to pay prosecution costs of £40 and no victim surcharge was ordered to be paid.

Walker can reduce her driving ban by 36 weeks if she completes a drink-driving awareness course by July 18, 2026.

Her guilty plea was taken into account by magistrates when they sentenced her.