Friends of Herefordshire boyband members or admirers who simply saw them perform have taken to Facebook to share their stories.

Brian Davies started the conversation on our Hereford Times ‘We grew up in Hereford’ Facebook group as he offered up his recollections of young David Addocks, Paul Cheshire, Mick Taylor and Kevin Wilson’s band, also known as ‘The Phantoms’.

His original post has since garnered much attention from other group members wishing to contribute their own memories of ‘The Phantoms’ from the 1960s.

Many Facebook users from the local area, including Brian Davies, lived on same road as the band themselves and, in Gill Scott’s case, “remembered them well”.

Son of David Addocks, Joe, commented with a poignant tribute to his band member father, sadly no longer with us. “My dad in the middle Hansom chap,” he said, “Miss you dad.”

Larraine Reed said: “[I] Remember them, they did a turn at one of the Redhill school reunions. Didn’t they appear on a tv talent show as well?” 

“Made a couple of appearances on a talent program called Stubby's Silver Star Show” replied post creator Mr Davies.

Stubby’s Silver Star Show was a children’s show from 1965, hosted by ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?’ star Stubby Kaye and was aired on major British TV channel of ITV.

The boyband certainly seemed destined for stardom; many Facebook users took to the platform to compliment the band’s star qualities.

Barbara Kelly recounted how “they could have made it,” before providing an update on how band member Mickey “is still playing the drums and is great. Fond memories of them back then.” Jane Elizabeth upheld this remark with her input of “Knew them all, should have gone far.”

Like most popular bands, the boys were not without their avid fanbase. Jeanette Hodges fondly said how she “used to follow them around everywhere they went” and Brian Johnson heralded the group as a “very good up-and-coming band.”

The band might not have ‘made it’ professionally but was certainly loved by many in their local community.