A new solar farm in Herefordshire has started producing enough energy to power more than 10,000 homes.

Conrad Energy's Larport Solar Farm, south of Clay Hill Pit Substation, Dormington, has begun to generate energy and is expected to produce renewable energy equivalent to powering 11,000 homes annually.

Throughout its 40-year cycle, the farm is predicted to save around 375,000 tonnes of carbon energy. The final proposal was described as ‘exemplar’ by the chair of the Herefordshire planning and regulatory committee, with 40 hectares of native wildflower grassland created alongside construction.

Larport Solar Farm is one of Conrad Energy’s 85 sites across the UK, making them one of the UK’s largest, independent energy providers.


The power it generates will be used by bank BNP Paribas to decarbonise its UK operations.

“The switching on of the Larport Solar Farm is an important moment for both Conrad Energy and BNP Paribas," said Steven Hardman, chief executive officer of Conrad Energy.

"We have found in the bank a company that shares our commitment to help the UK realise its net-zero ambitions. Solar has a significant role to play in the energy transition and so I look forward to seeing further projects switch on in the future.”

Plans for solar farms have come up across the county in recent months.

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Further plans for a 75-acre solar farm are progressing in nearby Stoke Edith, to the east of Hereford. 

The Frome Valley Solar's planning application says the proposed farm would power around 5,750 homes. The current timeline is 36-40 weeks for construction which is forecasted to begin in spring or early summer next year if planning permission is given.

But another recent proposal by Green Switch Capital, for a solar farm set to power 9000 homes, was rejected.

The proposed project, near Titley, Kington, faced almost 80 objections from members of the public with their main concern being the visual harm to the environment and therefore the knock-on effect of potentially discouraging locals and tourists from the area.