AN ATTACKER will be sentenced next month after causing grievous bodily harm in a Herefordshire town.

Stephen Davies entered a guilty plea to one count of wounding or inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford on June 5.

The court heard from prosecutor Thomas Wickstead that the 44-year-old had inflicted grievous bodily harm on a man in Leominster in an incident on April 29 last year. The attack was said to be unlawful and malicious. However, he was said to have committed the offence without intent.


Inflicting grievous bodily harm is an offence under section 20 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.

The case was adjourned with a pre-sentence report to be prepared ahead of his sentencing in July, and Davies, of Etnam Street, Leominster, was released on unconditional bail.

He will appear before Hereford Magistrates’ Court again for sentencing on July 2.