A 39-YEAR-OLD woman has been handed an alcohol order after having a wee in public in Hereford.

Xena Shelby entered a guilty plea to one count of outraging public decency when she appeared before magistrates in Hereford earlier this month. She also pleaded guilty to racially aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress in words or writing, assault by beating and assault by beating of an emergency worker.

She was handed a six-month alcohol treatment order and a 12-month course of mental health treatment.

She must also pay prosecution costs of £85 and a victim surcharge of £114.


Acts of outraging public decency are illegal under common law, and Shelby was said to have behaved in an incident manner by urinating in a public place.

She was also convicted of attacking a police officer acting in the exercise of his functions as such a worker, attacking another man, and racially harassing a third man.

All of the incidents took place on December 7 last year.