A DRUG-DRIVER caught out in Herefordshire has admitted committing two offences after using cocaine before driving.

Kieron Davies entered guilty pleas to two counts of driving while over the drug limit.

Newport Magistrates’ Court heard from prosecutor Rob Simkins that the 37-year-old had been caught on the A449 in Ross-on-Wye after getting behind the wheel of a VW Passat while over the drug-driving limit on November 30 last year.

An evidential blood test revealed he had 800 microgrammes (mg) of class A drug cocaine metabolite benzoylecgonine and 25 mg of cocaine per litre of blood. The legal limits are 50 and 10 mg respectively.


Davies, of Citadel Close, Tredegar, was handed a disqualification from driving for 18 months.

He was also sentenced to a community order lasting for one year, with a six-month drug rehabilitation treatment programme and up to 15 rehabilitation days.

He was not ordered to pay prosecution costs or a victim surcharge for the offences because he had already been ordered to pay costs for another offence, an assault by beating that he pleaded guilty to on June 10.