AS someone who will be finding it difficult to support either of the two main parties in the election, I am keen to hear from the others.

We have all received much literature from the Greens, usually delivered in haste without any chance of a conversation.

The content has been local and presented in a rather “cosy” way by a party that is actually, on the far left of UK politics.


Perhaps questions about their policies on defence, NATO, nuclear deterrent big state v small state view of Government, high tax/low tax economy, green energy transition, rights to protest, road building cuts, growing the economy, rent freezes, new homes for young local families, rural domestic heating, access to towns for the elderly and disabled and rural transport might be addressed ?

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

Despite the Green’s literature they are actually fourth (not second) at present in North Herefordshire according to the latest YouGov poll.

Local issues are, of course, important; but in a General Election the data from votes cast will be used to determine policy and influence nation issues.


Upper Maund